The P.A.W.S Program


At the Child Protection Center, we are incredibly proud of our P.A.W.S program and the impact these dogs have on our clients as they forge their path to healing after abuse. PAWS pups enter these children’s lives during a time of darkness, fear, and uncertainty. They shed light onto that darkness by bringing happiness and greatly reducing anxiety.

Whether during a therapy session or while testifying in court, P.A.W.S pups and their handlers provide comfort to children affected by the traumas of abuse and neglect. The dogs offer their companionship to our clients throughout the healing process, providing a sense of calm, comfort, and unconditional support.

This program was founded in 2010 by Danielle Hughes, Team Coordinator of the Child Protection Team and 2020’s Child Advocate of the Year. Danielle’s own dog, Harley Duke, inspired her to create the program to benefit children in the traumatic and stressful situations that occur after child abuse.

For program inquiries, please email Danielle Hughes at, or call 941-365-1277, Ext. 212

“Several years ago, my dog Oliver was working for a young victim in court. English was not her first language so she was seated in the witness box with an interpreter. During verbal examination, the child began to cry. Oliver sent me a “this is not right” glance, stood up and went to the interpreter and gently nudged her to the side so he could put his head on the victim’s lap to calm her. He remained there next to the girl for the duration of the questioning until her sobs had subsided. Oliver had done his job.”

Gay Haines, PAWS HAndler

To report child abuse or neglect contact the Florida Abuse Hotline at:


Child Protection Center Locations

Sarasota Office

720 South Orange Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 941.365.1277
Fax: 941-953-7181

North Port Office
Campus of Healing

5600 Peace River Road
 North Port, FL 34287
To Contact Supervised Visitation
Phone: 941-423-1921

Arcadia Office

222 N. Roberts Avenue
Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 941-365-1277