Recognition through these awards helps raise awareness of CPC and the vital work we do in protecting children from abuse, which leads to more advocates using their voices to speak out, more children being educated in personal safety, more volunteers joining our team, better opportunities for funding….all of which means more safe childhoods!
Click on the image to cast a vote for that category!

Best of Florida
**Voting for the Best of Florida runs continuously! Votes can be cast daily.
To report child abuse or neglect contact the Florida Abuse Hotline at:
Child Protection Center Locations
Sarasota Office
720 South Orange Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 941.365.1277
Fax: 941-953-7181
North Port Office
Campus of Healing
5600 Peace River Road
North Port, FL 34287
To Contact Supervised Visitation
Phone: 941-423-1921
Arcadia Office
222 N. Roberts Avenue
Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 941-365-1277