Protect Their Right to Safety, Joy, and to Simply Be a Child. Donate to the Child Protection Center Today.
Over 3,000 reports of child abuse are made locally every year. CPC’s extensive programming brings education, intervention services, and trauma-informed care to heal the hearts of survivors. Last year alone, over 65,000 members of the community were reached through our services.
By donating to the Child Protection Center, you’re changing the lives of local children. Join us in taking a stand against child abuse.
Click here for additional ways to give.
To report child abuse or neglect contact the Florida Abuse Hotline at:
Child Protection Center Locations
Sarasota Office
720 South Orange Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 941.365.1277
Fax: 941-953-7181
North Port Office
Campus of Healing
5600 Peace River Road
North Port, FL 34287
To Contact Supervised Visitation
Phone: 941-423-1921
Arcadia Office
222 N. Roberts Avenue
Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 941-365-1277