

We are excited to offer the opportunity of underwriting CPC expenses! To be the best stewards of our donor dollars, we seek interested parties to pay the expenses necessary for events and day-to-day operations at CPC. By underwriting CPC expenses, you make it possible for every dollar donated to go straight to our life-saving programs.

Gifts of any amount are encouraged and welcomed. 100% of your underwriting gift will be tax deductible and all underwriting gifts will be designated as Non-Restricted Funding in order to best meet needs as they arise.

All underwriters will be recognized on CPC’s website, on social media, and at events (for event underwriters).


Event Sponsorship


The Child Protection Center’s signature events are magical days that local philanthropists, community organizations, and passionate advocates look forward to year after year.

Sponsoring a signature event helps to fund our programming annually, where you can also be honored and recognized for your investment. All event sponsor benefits vary based on the level of commitment. Click here to learn more about our signature events.


For more information underwriting, event sponsorships, payment schedules, and more, please contact
LouAnnL@CPCSarasota.org or 941-365-1277 Ext. 120

To report child abuse or neglect contact the Florida Abuse Hotline at:


Child Protection Center Locations

Sarasota Office

720 South Orange Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 941.365.1277
Fax: 941-953-7181

North Port Office
Campus of Healing

5600 Peace River Road
 North Port, FL 34287
To Contact Supervised Visitation
Phone: 941-423-1921

Arcadia Office

222 N. Roberts Avenue
Arcadia, FL 34266
Phone: 941-365-1277